According to the U.S Census Bureau, in America’s 331.9 million total population, out of which 10.4 million single mothers are trying to manage their happy survival by raising children. This accounts for 8.4% of single mothers out of the total Americans. Apart from single mother statistics, the total number of single parents is 15.8 million in the United States, which speaks to a volume of 12.8% of the total U.S. population.
We strive hard to make ourselves believe that it is possible to manage a single-parent life. However, there are multiple associated factors in women’s lives that we have to consider while talking about the single mother statistics. In this article, we will discuss the single motherhood rate and the single parent statistics.
Single Mother Statistics 2024
We get that with obvious remarks to understand the mother’s condition in society; we must know the figures. Single mother statistics 2024 would suggest enough data to observe and analyze the social and economic condition of single women with children.

Single mothers head roughly 26% of households in the United States with children under 18. Around 80% of single parent households are headed by the single mother only, which clearly denotes how mothers dominate the American state’s faculty of single parents family statistics.
Being a single mother is not an easy job raising children single-handedly. Here is the comparison between the single mothers statistics in the United States and globally.

“I think moms, single or not, put a lot of pressure on ourselves trying to balance it all. It’s NEVER going to be perfectly balanced—the sooner you know this, the sooner you can relieve some of the pressure you put on yourself.”
Denise Richards
Around 13 million single mothers having children under 18 survive in America and get benefits from several federal programs and community assistance for single mothers, get aid for their life sustenance.
Single mothers head approximately 23% of all U.S. households with children under 18 in the United States of America. 50% of children in the U.S. live in single-parent households.
Based on United Nations, there are over 135 million single parents households that can be estimated globally. In countries like South Africa and Jamaica, over 50% of households are headed by single mothers with children.
Single mothers head more than 80% of these households across the world. However, the ratio of single mothers majorly varies in each country.
Single motherhood is found at 7% and over 50%, respectively, in European countries and African countries while measuring the single mom statistics based on the U.S census bureau.
Since 1960, single mothers living with children have doubled; according to previous states, the rise in single mothers’ statistics follows from stip 8% to 23% compared to the previous year.
Single mothers are likelier to live in poor conditions than single fathers and married couples. The below meters support the statement and would speak volumes about the same.
You can use this measuers to precisily understand the gaps in the society and improve the quality of life forn the single women.
The national law income housing coalition finds that a single mother must work at least 97 hours per week (with a minimum wage job) to afford a two-bedroom apartment in the United States. This showcases how women may get exposed to homelessness without a job or due to losing a job.
Single Mothers in the United States of America head 28.7% of Poor Households.
80% of Poor Households are headed by Single Mothers Worldwide.
Married Couples in the United States of America head 28.7% of Poor Households.
Many mothers do not receive the required financial support for their children from the father. They may become vulnerable in bearing the full child care cost alone, a significant expense in children’s overall development.
Gender discrimination becomes a factor in the overall life development of both mothers and children. Around 75% of working women have faced some form of discrimination. Along with other significant factors following play the center roles in the single mother’s life sustenance.
- Health Disparities
- It causes barriers to accessing healthcare services for single women. Single women may suffer financial challenges due to a lack of medical insurance.
- Work Preference Compromise
- Extra expenses for being a single head in the household may cause job insecurity in the woman and lead her to do jobs unsuitable for her skills and choices.
- Conflicted Education and Job
- A woman with a child might get heavy obstacles in her job and training while still striving to complete her education or pursue higher degrees.
- Child Care Cost
- Having children without regular income resources is damning, and the mother may get a severe mental or emotional breakdown.
- Time Management Skills
- If correctly managed and invested efficiently, we don’t have to explain how time resolves most complex circumstances.
Must Read: Psychological Effects Of Being A Single Mother
Demographics and Poverty Rate
Nearly half of the single moms which is 52.3 % have never been wedded, Close to a third (29.3%) are separated from their husbands, and 18.4% are either split or widowed. Among them, six-half have a single kid, and 30% are raising a duo. The number of whites is two-thirds, and blacks are one-third.
Let us understand the demographics and poverty rate to make conscious efforts while analyzing the single mother statistics and single parent statistics. Here, you can also get the black single mother statistics 2024.
35% |
43% |
26% |
Among kids staying with their mom only, 38.1% have survived poverty. On the other hand, only 7.5% of kids were counted as poor who lived with happy families. Households captained by females of color tone fared even more impaired.
As close as two in five, which is 35% of black-colored females bossed households, lived in poverty. Hispanic, White, and Asians were poor at 34%, 26%, and 22%, respectively.
What Percent of Single Mothers afford Luxury Houses?
Compared to married couples and single adults, a very small percentage of single mothers can afford luxury houses. According to the National Women’s Law Centre, generally, single mothers are more likely to experience poverty in the United States.
52.3% |
29.3% |
18.4% |
There is 38% percent of single mothers with households that exist below the federal poverty line; this states how likely it would be for single mothers to afford luxury houses in America.
Must Read: 5 Places Who Can Help Me Find A House For Rent
The single mother’s high income and various other financial resources may open the window to explore life more freely. They can afford luxury houses, cars, and other expensive lifestyle utilities and appliances to enhance their lives and give their children beautiful growth despite leading single-handedly healthy lives.
However, affordability is a concern of location and market site as well. Some areas are more expensive than others, and it may take lifetime saving to afford luxury houses there. In contrast, financial status makes all the difference in attaining the percent of single mothers who can afford the luxury lifestyle.
Single Parent Statistics
We have known the life of single moms, often the time women are considered in the graph of single-parent statistics. However, we need to understand that, on the other side, 20% of single-parent families are headed by fathers in the United States of America.

Currently, 12.4 million single-parent families exist in the United States based on Custodial Mothers and Fathers and Their Child Support, 2024; out of them, around 3.5 million families are headed by single fathers, the rest assured the single mothers.
The considerable struggle in the life of the single father may be comparatively lesser as single fathers are less likely to be unemployed than single mothers. However, they are not less responsible than women and have an equal share of contribution to the child’s development.
88% of single fathers work a full-time job
12.4 million single-parent families in the United States of America
71% of single mothers work a full-time job
Single Parent Households Statistics
Plenty of factors are involved in the analysis of single-parent household statistics. Here, you will understand how these households contribute toward the single parent statistics and help set future sustainable goals for the federal government.

26 births per 1000 unmarried women in the year 1970, have witnessed the upsurge to 42 births per 1000 unmarried women in the previous decade have contributed greatly to embark the trend of common single-parent households in the state.
The stats may vary widely based on different states and their geographical territory. The following table will show the single parent households statistics worldwide.
Sr. No | State | Percentage of Single-Parent Households |
1 | United Kingdom | 25% |
2 | United States | 23% |
3 | Germany | 20% |
4 | Canada | 16% |
5 | Australia | 15% |
6 | Japan | 12% |
Food Security and Homelessness
Closely one-third of lone moms households lived “meal unsure,” for about one-ninth have utilized meal pantries, and 1/3 paid more than 1/2 of their earnings on accommodation, which is typically regarded as the threshold for “high accommodation expense hurdle.”
27.7% |
11.7% |
Households with lone moms bosses are reported to be the poorest families. Among them, more than a third are poor, especially they are surviving homelessness.
Out of the homeless households, countrywide, about 60 percent of families were bossed by the lone mom with kids, representing 21% of the total homeless residents. Among them, close to half were African Americans which is 49%.
Statistics of Single Mothers Finding Love
Relationship secures you with financial share and household reliability and takes the major toll of your emotional burden in this journey of your life. Single mothers seek those men who can be good father figures for their children and bear the financial share in the family’s growth. Here, you get the statistics of single mothers finding love for a better understanding.

Based on a survey by the dating site, more than 72% of single mothers found their partners who had accepted their children and made a fatherly connection with them, while other 61% of single mothers matched for financial stability.
Dating | |
45% |
25% |
30 |
The scope for the single teenage mother statistics can be projected with the rising intensity of the online dating of single adults accepting the outdoors about the consideration for relationships with moms having children.
According to the dating app Zoosk, around 71% of single men were open to dating a single mother with a child, and 94% of single women answered yes to dating a single father.
Look at the following survey to get accurate statistics of single mothers finding love in the United States of America.
A survey by Pew Research Centre on Online Dating
Single mothers between the age of 30 to 39 are more likely to actively seek romantic partners, while mothers aged 40 to 49 prefer to be more focused on their careers and seek partners who can support them financially and be good to their children.
We have enough Statistics of Single Mothers Finding Love over the plat to project how the online dating world has made it possible for mothers with children to find fulfilling relationships and fatherly love for their children.
In the meantime, we can say that there’s a cultural role to play as well while getting your profile over the online dating site and finding suitable partners. The cultural differences, socioeconomic status, age, and other variables in your personal preferences may play a role here.
How Many Single Mothers in the US Found on Dating Sites?
There is a significant number of people found on dating sites that, includes adults and single parents. Although the following data takes you to analyze the statistics of single mothers finding love, we need to understand how many single mothers in the US or any other country use social dating apps that circle about individual choices and preferences.
Dating | |
45% |
25% |
30 |
It is important to note that dating sites’ matching profiles are not always accurately transparent. Single parents may not like to disclose their parenthood and may seek only romantic relationships based on trust and healthy conversation.
We know that having a partner means half of our tension goes out. We have shared some tips if you want to date a single mom. We that dating can release tension and, in addition, you can have someone who can care about you while understanding your parenthood.
In this article, we’ve briefly discussed the various analytics about the single mother statistics along with the single parent and how statistics of single mothers finding love can replace the traditional way of relationship.
What percentage of mothers are single?
It’s 80%. Around the globe, the average rate of Single Parent Households Statistics 2024 is 7 in proportion. And It is under a third of the rates of the USA over 80% of US children stay in single-parenthood families and live with their moms only.
What race has the most single mother rates?
Among all the parents who are single, 42 percent of parents are white, and 28 percent of parents are black. It is compared with 55% of co-up parents who are white and 13% of them who are black. These holes are pushed greatly by ethical distinctions among the considerable claim of lone parents who are mommies. Single mother rates are more than doubled as alleged to be black as cohabiting mothers.
What percent of single parents are mothers vs. fathers?
As per the latest data from the Census, 80% of single parents are single moms, and the rest 20% are single dads.
What are the statistics on single-parent households?
In the year 2024, close to 10 million kids, which is 25% of all kids in the USA, were raised in single moms households. That proportion is practically three bits the Eschelon in 1960 of 9%.
Why are there so many single mothers?
The leading reason for sole-parent households is high rates of separation and non-marital childbirth. A study that are done in 2019 by the Pew Research Center has revealed that the USA has the planet’s most elevated rate of kids staying in sole-parent families.